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Englischlehrertag an der Uni: Multilingualism in the EFL Classroom (TEFL-Day 2019) Druckversion aufrufen als E-Mail verschicken

Increasing language diversity in schools or reports about the discrimination of migrant students have provoked heated discussions among professionals and in the media. How can teachers handle this "new" reality? when the mastery of any additional language should be seen as an asset? Educational language policy on the other hand aims at encouraging pupils to learn more than one foreign language and to build a rich linguistic repertory with all of the languages available (cf. CEFR 2001).
The 4thTEFL Day of the Department of English Studies at Würzburg University will take on this hotly debated topic.
The upcoming conference focuses on best practice and research in the field of retro- and prospective multilingualism in foreign language teaching and learning at secondary schools (Realschule and Gymnasium). It is aimed at teachers, researchers, teacher trainees, and university students, whether they are new to the field of multilingualism or wish to refresh their knowledge and put it to practical use.

The workshops will cover topics, such as:
- Mehrsprachiges Lesetheater
- Adapting Textbook Units According to Multilingual Students Needs
- Mehrsprachigkeit im Englischunterricht der Sek I produktiv nutzen? -methodische Angebote für die Unterrichtspraxis
- Mehrsprachigkeitssensiblen Englischunterricht gestalten

Weitere Details finden Sie im Anhang.

Die Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung läuft wie gewohnt über FIBS, die Anmeldung zu den Workshops geschieht erst am Veranstaltungstag vor Ort.

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